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I saw a familiar white T-Shirt and short skirt laid out carefully on a large rock, and a few feet away from them she stood ankle-deep in the river. She was already wet, her blonde hair soaked and her body glistening with little droplets. She held her razor in one hand, her left leg coated in shaving cream. I watched in rapt attention as she carefully slid the razor up her leg, delicately removing the short and nearly invisible blonde stubble that had accumulated over the weekend. She was. Dad worked as an accountant for Briton holdings, the people throwing the party tonite, and his mother worked doing interior decorating for a styling house downtown. Jobs that payed well but not very exciting.They made it to the door, two very large men were there. "Good evening Mr Raines, mam." One of them said. "And who's the young man?" He's my son Josh Tony." His dad said.Tony looked down and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Josh, go right on in things are just getting started."They walked in. Your relationship has completely changed. I don't know whatthat will mean in the future, but right now you should treat each other asthe friends that you are. Obviously there is some attraction happeninghere, and that freaks me out! And if you start kissing in front of me I'mgoing to punch both of you. Just be friends and if something happenslater, we'll deal with it then, okay?"Her words made a lot of sense, even if I didn't want to hear her talkabout that topic. I nodded. Ethan was doing the. She turned back, nestling into the soft furs and closed her eyes, onelast vagrant thought drifting though her mind -- why had Armand of Tellusinsisted she, an experienced veteran of the tavern's alcoves should wearthese ridiculous White Silks for the night?In the tavern's kitchen the slave Kresca lay not on soft furs but onprickly rush matting, collar-chained with a thin rep-cloth blanketcovering her like the other drudges and pot-and-kettle girls who workedin the back rooms of the tavern..
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