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We then layed there naked starring at each other and fiddling with each others cocks untill we where stopped by a huge gasp and my 11 year old little sisters voice saying what are you guys doing? john then whispered in my ear " do you want me and you to fuck your sister?" my sister was a very cute petite blond with blue eyes. i had been thinking about fucking her for a while so i eagerly replied "yes i really want to fuck her" so john my physio theripist said to my sister "dont worry breanne i. Within a few hours, I had a face of make up, My hair was blow dryed and straightened, I even baught some new sexy undies for the occaision, black lace bra with frenchies. I stood infront of the mirror with them on building up my confidence, knowing that as soon as Mike saw me in these he wouldn't be able to keep his rough workers hands off me. I slipped on my new dress, which had little flowers on and my sandels. I looked innocent, girly but my thoughts and intentions were not. Within minutes. We need ten. With the money we made selling sex tapes to porn sites, we could afford to make another ten treatments. We would sell those ten treatments for $1000 a piece and then we would be able to expand. Thats almost all my fingers though, Becca said, holding them out. See. Six is more than half. I can count. Yes, you can, I snorted and kissed her head. A police siren echoed from outside. I groaned. I had a bad feeling about that sound. A lot of people were walking quickly from the entrance. They have even less ability to control their penises, which we delighted in making publicly erect!It was truly delicious mayhem, watching these boys watching us! I still have my favorite shirt -a dark blue tank that matches my eyes. Becky has her favorite: a low v-cut green shirt with a cartoon turtle funny! After school, we would talk to boys outside. Flirt with them, and entice them, and then walk home. Becky and I also shared our 'first time', with a pair of high-school friends. It.
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