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Bill chuckled, “came prepared “he chortled. Bill squeezed k gel over my bum hole and pushed a couple of fingers in to lubricate me. He then unrolled the condom over his erect cock and squeezed another dollop of k gel over his knob end. “Get on your knees and push your arse in the air,” said Bill. I did as I was told, and Bill came up behind me and began to tease my bum hole with his knob end. “Ok, relax,” said Bill as he began to push his cock into my virgin arse. “Oh”, I gasped as. Then I saw that suddenly ashu came in park with her two small nephew’s and started playing with them they were very small. Yoinfer one was less than 2years and the elder one was about 3 years. They went to one corner of the park and seeing us and side by side keeping eye at her nephews.We all friends were playing with balloons suddenly a balloon hitted her elder nephew. All other boys ran away and there was only me and ashu with her nephews I apologize to ashu that sorry it was not me . She. .you better not say a word if you don't want your folks to know what I saw today...' Not so much alarmed now that I knew who was in my room I was concern as to what he wanted. Jarvis whispered '...I'm gonna move my hand you better act like you got plenty sense...' I nodded my head rapidly as Jarvis moved his hand and stood up by my bed. The illumination from the clock enabled me to see Jarvis removing his pants very quietly. All I could make out was dark shapes as Jarvis moved stealthy around. Afterwards, both of us soaking in the hot tub, Sondra apologized for exposing herself to the boys and told me how ashamed she was. I asked her if she was really ashamed, or just embarrassed because I had caught her. She coyly admitted that the latter was true and went on to admit that, other than actually making love with me, she had never been more sexually excited in her life. I told her the sight of her naked and fondling herself in front of other men had made me as hot as I had ever been,.
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