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In battle she wielded a hammer and a heavy shield. Despite her fearlessness in combat, her noble upbringing had isolated her from the real world. This meant she was completely naïve about social situations, often becoming anxious and sometimes being taken advantage of due to her innocence, unrelenting honesty, and gullibility.Her stoic second in command, and closest friend, was a Godtouched named Cal. This was presumably short for something. No-one who asked ever got a satisfying answer. Her. The next thing she knew, she was meeting him and they quickly found each other very intrigiing and very sexy to talk to. Before she finished talking to Bill, she took a chance and she lifted the bottom of the jacket she was wearing and let him see the waistband of the sexy satin thong she'd put on that morning to help her feel especially sexy and desirable. She noticed Bill's eyes light up when this young 21-year old intern was actually showing him the style and material of the very skimpy. Three things led him to that conclusion. First, there was a sense of safety. The last time he felt like this was the week before his mom disappeared. The gnawing at his muscles, that early stage of withdrawal that would force him into a ball, was abated. Finally, his ass didn't ache.More sensations began to flood into his mind. The mattress cradled his form. He did not lay on the thin dank vinyl one on the floor. He wasn't cold. His cell, the whole sanatorium, was usually cold. Light began to. Where the hell I was I had no idea, maybe near Greenwich that I didn’t know? I found a quiet place as my hands squeezing and kneading my breasts. I was so excited thinking of her hands and mouth on them just a few hours ago. I killed the motor, turned off the lights and locked the doors. In the darkness of morning, in the silence, alone, with my mind full of so many different thoughts I masturbated. Fully clothed and just slipping my hands inside my blouse and touching myself through my jeans.
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