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The man plowing her pussy was fully engaged, his hips slapping against Liz’s as he rammed his cock in and out. The third man who had first cum in Liz’s mouth laid underneath her and took one of her nipples in his mouth. His hand reached for her slit and played with her throbbing clit.Liz yanked her mouth off the cock. “FFUCCKKK MEEEE HARD. GIVVVEEEE ITTTTT TOOO MEEEEEE.” The dick in her hand throbbed and huge cum loads shot toward Liz’s face. She opened her mouth to try to capture as much of. I just could not tell when was my last orgasm this hard and ripping. I heard Walter on the other side gagging and choking due to the gallons of my all natural drink made of vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients spilled in his throat. Slowly gaining my senses, I stuffed my still swollen cock and metal balls in my pants and zipped up. It was a very awkward moment. Nobody to thank, nobody to kiss good bye, no naked ass to love slap while getting ready to leave but I just thanked the hollow. After a brief delay, I heard a tiny voice, "Yes?" Hey," I said. "When we talked just now, I forgot to tell you one very important thing about our arrangement.' I could hear her take a deep breath through the closed door, and could imagine her telling herself that the other shoe was about to drop."Ok," she whispered. "What is it?" You are NOT a servant on this boat. I don't want you thinking that you need to check with me before you go to bed, or do something for yourself."I don't intend to be. My favorite TV show is Jeopardy which comes on at 4: 30. When football season is over I rarely miss a show during the season my sister tapes it for me. Our typical afternoon goes something like this. We arrive home at 3:30 we grab a snack then head for the den and I plop down on the recliner and turn on the TV. Julie climbs up into my lap. News comes on at 4 so I watch that before jeopardy comes on. Julie snuggles up an takes a nap in my lap After Jeopardy we split for our own rooms and do our.
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