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He thrust into me once more. He stayed there, but didn't cum. My pussy tightened around his cock. I didn't want him to stop, but he did. He was trying not to cum. After a moment, he pulled out of me. My juices covered his member. He pressed the head of his cock against my ass. My body tensed once again as he pushed into my anus, our juices the only lubrication. He didn't pause as his shaft entered me. He didn't care what this felt like to me. I wasn't ready for it, but his hard prick entered me. Look at his cock mom wouldn't you want that between your legs?"I couldn't help my self i was way to horny to pass this one in a life time chance up. I got out of the bed as they were fighting and walked over to my step mom and grabbed her by the back of the head and forced my tongue in her mouth my step sister started laughing." i don't see you pulling away from him mom" she said as she laughedBefore i was done my step mom pushed me on the bed and walked over and set by my step sister "So you. I was thinking so deeply and forgot what to doSince the road was narrow and the distance from one house to other was nominal it is a very tuff task to find a place to hide. She immediately put her arms around her breasts and pussy and started running towards me. I waved her to go hide somewhere. Just as the lights turned towards the road and lite her entire nude body to glow in the dark. I wonder how the driver would have reacted seeing her in such a state in the middle of the road. It was a. . You wouldn't happen to have a spare key I could borrow, would you?"I did not question her, but handed over a key from the mantelpiece, "Here you are, it hasn't been used for some time, but should still work." I told her, she smiled her thanks and left.I remained downstairs, trying to watch a film on BBC1, but I just was not interested. I decided to call it a night.I looked in to Wendy's room; Tania was in the bed, her back to me, I supposed she was still miffed at me. I crept in, kissed her.
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