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He slapped her hard, “you bitch. You are accusing me of this charade? I will make sure you are disgraced and kicked out the bench in no time.”The judge started to cry. “please believe me sir, i have nothing to do with it, it could be some of your enemies who set us up.” The minister was not prepared to listen. He asked the man “is it possible you could erase my identity from the photos you took?” “no problem sir i would be delighted to do it, in return of a favour.”He told him in brief how he. There was no mention of anything else. That made me happy for the time being. On the way home Sarah commented that Roseanne and Corry were going on a double date on the weekend. That comment kind of caught me by surprise. With everything the pair had caused how in the world were they going to handle a double date? I bet the rumor mill would have all the juicy details next Monday.Wednesday's meeting was held as soon as Jenny and I got home from work. We were there in time so that the new office. Ill call myself a under cover freak I love porn ,lesbian, gay, threesums, gangbang, forced, old ppl, bbw, beast ALL (I think I get it frm my dad he has a lot n I steal sum!!) I've thought of finding sumone to "rob him" while I'm over ,force me to suck his dick in front of my dad and you kno I'm using my best tricks. The robber is tellin my dad to look and make me look in my dads eyes while he facefuck me. "Take your clothes off"! The robber would say then make me play wit my wet pussy telling. God, these types were so easy. “What sets us apart, and the reason you’re here at all, is the fact that our discretion is second to none.”“And how is it you know why I’m here?” He narrowed his eyes, and I gave him a honeyed smile.“Senator Barnes, there’s only one reason anybody comes here.” I leaned back and crossed my legs, watching his expression.He took a deep breath before continuing, avoiding eye contact by casting his gaze around at the dancers. “Alright, so how does this work?”“You come.
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