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‘Chayne that is very interesting, what gave you the idea to record these events?’ Well Dr. B I am so disconnected from myself when I am allowing these men to use me sexually and I have no idea how to manage stress properly so I figured if I look at my sexual activity in black and white I will have more insight. That is just how I feel about it anyway. I feel as if I am spiraling out of control and I know rock bottom is soon to follow but I still cannot get off the train. It is a very helpless. I was gonna be so dead.Tina opened the door and let me in. I did not dare to look her in the eye. She smelt really nice though. I could see that she had just finished taking a shower. The hair that flowed down her shoulders was partially wet. Her skin looked moist. Hot water shower, I guessed.My friend’s sister was wearing a loose pink t-shirt and black sweatpants. Her shirt had patches of water and I couldn’t stop wondering if she was wearing a bra. Probably not!Tina started talking. As we walked off he saidsomething which I didn't catch. Mistress turned and offered him theopportunity to try it out saying she had some spare dresses, they jokedabout how his shoulders were too broad for a dress. As we continued twoother workers caught up to us and asked if they could take a photo. Weagreed. One of them was asking questions, and I think he was filmingrather than taking photos. Mistress answered and I kept my head downslightly. I didn't want to talk as I have a pretty. I make you lick your juices off my fingers.“Your cunt is a swampy mess. When I’ve paid the check, we get up to leave. It is then that I see just how big the wet spot on the back of your skirt has grown. Before anyone can see, I whisper, ‘Wendy, you have a choice. You can walk out to the car with a diner plate size wet spot on the back of your skirt and I’ll fuck you any way you want when we get home or I can give you my jacket to cover up with and you’ll do everything I want when we get home.’.
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