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We ended up waiting for quite some time for everyone to be teleported out.We left the spaceship where it lay for now. Hope had service robots busy constructing a large teleportation unit for us to use back at the resort but it would take time to complete it. While some of the equipment already existed on the alternative Earth, all of the units there were in use bringing in raw material to help sustain the population on that planet. To divert any of those resources would result in deaths as we. I’m pretty sure that I knocked her up, in fact. I also banged her son, Rafael, when he was in drag. Does that upset you? Oh, wait, that’s silly to ask, given the ray gun. In my defense, I was drunk with Rafi. That’s not all. I also boffed your friend, your bridesmaid, Lola, you know ... a few times, and your other one, Whitney. You know, the black one. I seem to recall you having two bridesmaids named Whitney, which was confusing as fuck,” Ernie confessed some of his escapades so far at. "Wanna try again? don't appear very lively... Well, another fist should help tremendously." I said, pulling my arm back and releasing the mother of all cunt-punches.My arm went in deep as my elbow, and in the same moment, Kathryn arched right back, her eyes rolling and reddish-pink foam frothing from her mouth.I began to punch the inside of her cunt relentlessly, making her body spasm in orgasmic seizures.Blood started trickling out of her mouth and then she started throwing up great red. Soldiers operating inside the same communities, working day after day with the same people eliminated several of the insurgents best tools.That, however, was a one-off. Again and again, he’d seen leaders going back to ‘hit them hard with overwhelming force, and we’ll win’ ideas that had worked poorly in Vietnam and continued to work poorly. Sure, it was going to let them shut down ISIS, who made the mistake of picking up territory and becoming something the US knew how to fight. That, however,.
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