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She was wearing a long skirt which practically covered all her legs and a loose top. I just couldn’t take off my eyes from her body. We started talking and after some time she got up to get me something to drink. She turned around and I could see that her ass was perfect-swaying as she walked.Her mom had gone out and it was just me, her and her little sister. She bought me some juice and we resumed our conversation. Her sister was asking for something and constantly tugging at her skirt. She,. She asked me to come on her top and put the dick in her mouth. In mean while she lifted her head and took my dick in mouth and holed my both ass chicks in her palms and started pressing ass in the to and fro motion and sucking my dick. This was amazing I started to reach my full hard on again after 5 min of sucking.Now she turned around and became a doggy and asked me insert, I did, later she advised to hold her hair and from one hand press the boobs from other and climb her on her ass and pump. I worried that my horny friend might venture downstairs during the night looking for Stephen, but she behaved all night long.Since she had meetings early in the morning, she got up and left before any of the rest of us awakened. About mid-morning Rhonda called me to thank me for the hospitality, and the wine. As she ended the call she said once again, “And enjoy your young lover. And if you ever want to ‘broaden that boy’s horizons’ with another older woman, be sure to send him to me. I would. The car comes to a stop, and the engine dies, just as a second finger stretches my inner walls. I can feel my muscles tensing, Im so close to coming and I welcome the distraction. The mouth that was on my clit moves away, with a slurping sound that makes me cringe the fingers are removed and I lost my orgasm. We must have arrived at our destination, I think, as the door opens and I am drug across the carpet quite roughly before being picked up, and carried into the unknown. I will my thoughts.
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