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He growled a bit as I used the back of his giant hand to pet myself. “Not entirely.” He let the lighter fall from his grip and moved his hand to the back of my head. I heard his zipper and let out a thirsty yelp. He left it open without releasing anything from within his tightening underwear. “It’s been a long day so I understand if you only want to touch it. You don’t have to, but I think you want to.”“Oh fuck yes.” I felt my body fall over without telling it to. I handed picked up his Zippo. Then he watched as his father began to pullhis tits a long ways out from his chest and twist them. Steve wondered howfar his dad could extend the meaty roots of his tits. The movement lookedpainful for Steve, but he also thought it highly erotic. "Yeah boy, I alsolike a little rough treatment on these things." Lee admitted to his son. "Ilike it when they are pulled and tugged and even chewed a little."And with that pronouncement, the father pulled so hard on his juicy nipplesthat he made. I had my first class with Mrs. Chase during my freshman year of college. She had become my dream girl the second I saw her for the first time. Mrs. Chase was young for a teacher, only 25 then, and 28 in the present, and she was by far the most beautiful woman in the college.She had a pretty, porcelain face and beautiful green eyes. She had blonde hair that she usually wore long and full lips. Her body was slim yet curvy.Her most notable features was her breasts. Mrs. Chase was stacked. Even the. I slowly and quietly stepped into her room and walked up next to her bed. I bent down and raised the sheets up to take a sneak look at her body. Then with a start I heard her say, “Well just don’t stand there. Get undressed and crawl in here.”I dropped the sheets and as I walked around her bed I took off my pants and underwear in one move. She raised the sheets and I slid under them and moved close to her. She put her soft hand against my cheek and said, “God what am I doing?” Then moved her.
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