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Even the thought of what might happen wasn’t keeping me warm.About lunchtime (my stomach was telling me it was lunchtime) I started to warm up and could hear some noise from next door. My mind started having visions of the time that our conservatory was built and I was spread-eagle on the bed with the builders taking photographs of me (see my Journal). That time Jon had some control over the builders, but this time he didn’t have any. If, when, they discovered me, they’d be able to do anything. Matt was picking on Kevin about not being able to do that while they were just joking and giving each other grief. I asked why he couldn’t crawl and my fiancé looked at me laughing and said because he has a donkey is his pants. He shook his head at Kevin, who just laughed and said something about him being jealous. Matt replied no man you can keep that. I don’t know if it didn’t sink in what he said. Looking back I'm sure I must have known what he was saying. but for some reason I asked what do. .. I figured it was probably a magic wand. Given the amazingly loud "AAAAAAhhhhhh yesss" a few seconds later, I figured I was right.The humming continued, and my mind wandered to oh-so-clear visions of what Laura was doing right now as I stroked my cock and listened to her moans, her pleas to be fucked hard and filled with cum, and an occasional "oh yeahhhhh... I love that cock."It soon got to be too much for me, and I picked up my pace. I'd gotten enough of a treat today, I needed to cum hard. You are standing in the middle of the room dressed in a tight black pvc waspie, matching thigh boots, collar, arm length gloves, a riding crop in one hand and a wide slave collar in the other. You are wearing a large black strap-on and on the bed are various sex toys, dildo’s, butt plugs, etc. You tell me to strip and place the collar around my neck – tight. My cock and balls are already tied tight with my latex strap (put on before I knocked on your door) You then tell me to show you what I.
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