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”“Tsk tsk,” he chided. “We have a busy day tomorrow. Eat your supper.”She scowled, but obeyed as her fingers worked the knot holding her hands behind her back. Though it was tight, she was sure she could work it free before morning. She ate the food he offered as she plotted. He’d be one sorry cowpoke come morning.When she’d finished everything left on her plate, he carried her to the pallet he’d made and settled her under a blanket before spooning his big body around her. Thankfully, aside. To my surprise, the dude turned out to be this gogo dancer from a bar I frequent.Holy shit I thought to myself, this nigga who I had fantasized about time and again was standing here in my apartment."What's good yo," he started, "so you like what you see?"I couldn't even answer for fear that id embarrass myself, so I just nodded yes. He walked in and closed the door behind him then took off his shoes."The bedroom is this way," I mumbled as i turned around and headed toward the bedroom assuming. Still naked and covered in jizz I walk out into the clearing by the creek laughing.‘You should of seen the scared looks on your faces, fucking priceless.’Jeff and Bob are standing in the water looking at my jizz covered naked body, completely dumb struck.‘Those looks are pretty priceless, too.’ I said.I jumped in the creek and the cold water felt great after a hot jerk. My mind felt somewhat clear for the first time, in a long time.I came up out of the water and Jeff and Bob were standing there. .. lovers?"Once again he leaned back in his chair and studied me intently before finally answering. "First her fingerprints are all over the room so we know she was there. Perhaps most damning evidence is that he was found laying on his back naked on the bed. His... ah, genitals were covered with bodily fluids. They are a mixture of his... and hers." There's no doubt about that, Detective?" None. Sorry, Mr. Turner."I sat back and let the implications sink in. If Pam had been meeting a lover.
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