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The wretch was bleeding heavily from a shattered right shoulder. The bullet had hit him right in the joint and had blown it into small pieces. An artery must have been torn open, from the way the blood was spurting. Caleb started looking for his next target since this man had very little time to live.Caleb waved to his friends in the coach and moved on to his next prospect. This man had built himself a veritable fort! He had enclosed himself in bales of hay, such that he could not be seen from. He was in control now, and that made Brandy feel safe as well as sexy. As long as she held on to Mr. Thurman, he would not let her fall. She had learned that during his lectures, and she realized now just how true it was.Suddenly, Brandy felt something prick her arm. Before she could react, a wave of pleasant dizziness passed over her, making it difficult to think straight. It was a familiar sensation, one that she vaguely remembered enjoying. Was Coach Thurman giving her steroids? Well, if he. She slowly French kissed me. She sucked my tongue deep into her mouth which no women had ever done to me before. It would be the first of many new things I would experience that night. She slowly kissed my chest until she arrived at my breasts and sucked each nipple into her mouth. I have incredibly sensitive nipples and I slowly moaned as she sucked each one. She sensed that I liked this so Jane spent a long time on my chest as her hand slid down to my pussy and began massaging it with first. I had no choice but to submit further and try to behave as best as I could in her presence.Perhaps I'd misjudged her in some way and she's only doing what she thought was best for me.Behind her, led by a thin, chain leash, entered a slightly younger, mousey-looking blonde girl. She wore a short, grey skirt, white, frilly socks in black, strapped heels and a tiny white blouse, buttoned just in front of her small breasts. Her head was tilted downward, but I noticed she was holding some sort of.
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