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Her whole body shook as her hips thrust forward as I kept her pussy in my mouth. I just kept on sucking it in my mouth until my lovely Susan had a second orgasm, screaming “suck it, suck it, I’m cumming”. Then I just went plain crazy, earlier I knew I might get a chance to fuck her tonight so I had put on my six inch dildo under my jeans. I stood up and pulled down my jeans exposing my six inch rubber cock attached to my latex panties that held my cock in place. I already had some lube in my. Then she turned her head. That was it. That was the moment I met Chloe McGill. She looked into my eyes through her 'I've got a big fat dick in my ass' facial expression, and focused on me. Clearly taken out of her buttfucking for a moment, she smiled at me like a long lost friend. It was obvious to both of us that we were looking at someone different, someone that would possibly attain gravity in our lives. Wriggling her hand free, she reached up, and cupping the back of my neck, pulled me in. I do enjoy a real cock. Your vibrating, magical dildo is amazing, but there's something nice about a cock cumming inside of you."Sophia's smile slipped. "Well, I mean, I could never just be with one woman. I love you, but ... I'm sworn to Saphique. I want to be with other women, but..."I nodded my head. "It's perfectly natural." So, it's okay. I mean, I understand. You want to be with other people. It doesn't mean you don't lo ... care for me." Sophia nodded. "I won't be a jealous bitch like. ..”I closed my eyes, “tell one of the aids or give whatever you have to them.”They fell back and when I walked out the door I saw the line of vehicles. I shook my head and knew I could not escape. I grinned at a thought and let the float go and walked between two vehicles and flagged down a public hack. I shoved the guards back as I got in, “the palace.”I leaned back as I remembered my mother’s words again, “you are my son Michael and you will do as I tell you!”I had objected and pleaded and it.
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