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He whispered back in my ear. “This just goes to show you that I can fuck you when I please.” He said holding me so tight that I could barely breathe. He pushed his cock inside of me so hard that I had to bite my lip not to scream because I could feel myself about to cum. I was still in disbelief that Gabriel was only couple of feet away from where Tommy was fucking me. Many thoughts flashed in my mind as I tried as hard as I could to control myself from screaming. I didn’t know how to handle. "Shortly, raising his head off his hands, looking very upset and stern, he asked again, "She threw YOU out of the house. Right, Mandy?" Yes."Her current letch of a boyfriend threatened to rape me if I didn't have sex with him. I told my mom. She went ballistic, telling me I was trying to ruin her relationship.She pushed me out into the street, telling me never to come back and slammed the door. I was out on the street for a week; Nothing to eat, Nothing to wear, until Bob took me in."Still. "He was so beautiful I believed the ex-girlfriends were right. Beauty and kindness did not always match."And do you think that is a good thing?" Well, you tell me, after all, you have no heart yourself, you just said it." I had to laugh at this, I had to admit this bantering was much to my liking. I was tired of many things in life but not of this kind of flirting. I found it so refreshing, even if it led to nothing.We ate in silence for a while and this was ended when he said, "Would you. Then she slowly unbuttoned his shorts, letting them fall to the sand. She reached up and pulled down his red briefs, very slowly, kissing his belly and curly pubic hair. When the briefs came down a little more, his turgid cock popped free and hit her in the forehead. She rubbed her face all over it, and it jerked in response.I was going nuts watching this display, wondering if they were going to do it right there on the beach.Then he had her oil up his legs and butt. She took what seemed.
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