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Theresa woke some time around noon that Saturday, the trio of lovers had moved to her king size bed for the night. Her children lay one on each side of her their faces pressed to a breast like it was a pillow. Legs locked around one of hers they held hand with their hands resting between her legs. She sighed contentedly, she expected to wake up sore. She was pleased that it was not true. She was in a glow of pleasure but admitted that they all needed a bath the smell of sweat and body fluids. The steamy sensuous look in your eyes alone was near enough to make me cum. Faster now, you stroked me with both your mouth and hands. I was breathing hard, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I groaned ‘Here it comes.’ You sucked harder. Deeper. Faster. I watched until I could feel my eyes roll back in my head, I arched my back and thrust my hips as I exploded in your mouth. My body shook as I spurted over and over. You continued to suck and stroke until I had nothing left to give. Until I lay. "Well honey, I am glad to please you and everyone else. I enjoyed it, ALL OF IT" I replied.Jason laughed and said "Well I know that I am going to love the new parties we all will be having, and I know there will be a lot of surprises to come in the future"Doug said "Yeah I know that it will be a lot of fucking done to someone maybe two someone's because I really loved both of them. So damn hot" he continued.I rolled over onto my back and laid there on the bed, with Ida and Jason beside me, and. I've never seen you smoke regular cigarettes, so I guess you meant smoking marijuana?" That's what I meant. I'm not going to work for him if he gets all uptight over a little smoke."Gerta and Mama laughed again. Uncle Bunny had gone through a phase when he was younger, where he smoked marijuana too. I didn't tell Elizabeth what they were laughing about. If Uncle Bunny wanted to tell her, he would. I excused myself and went up to my room to phone my uncle. I got him just as he was leaving for.
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