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.. After we leave.”She stopped struggling then and stared at me.I nodded. “Let’s get you dressed and some clothes in a bag, and you and I can go somewhere else so Roger won’t disturb us.”For a moment, she stood there looking into my eyes. I wondered if she was going to try for my shorts again, but then she gently pulled her hands out of my grasp and stepped back. The hungry look in her eyes faded a little and she turned to walk away from me.I thought at first she had somehow snapped out of the. You may talk to your wife for a moment now.”Ralf turned the camera and Mike saw Sara’s face and head, nothing else.“Mike I am not allowed to tell you anything until tomorrow, but I want you to know I am fine, being treated very well, if a little kinky. Now I have to show you Carlo and Claudio.” Sara blew him a kiss and then the camera moved again. Carlo and Claudio were two near identical Adonises. Mike guessed them to be over six feet tall, sculpted bodies not overly muscled but certainly fit.. But he just couldn't stop looking, he felt kind of ashamed of himself, staring at her. He just hoped she wouldn't turn around and catch him looking but he was so mesmerized by her beauty. It wasn't of this world. Her hair was long and black as night. Her skin was as pale as moonlight. From what he could make out, it looked like she had a pretty face although he couldn't see it too well."What in Hell is she doing??" It looked like she was climbing up higher onto a wet rock dangerously close to. The heat from the water felt as soothing to my mind as it did my body. A part of me wanted to overthink what exactly was going on between us, but as I stood there in the stall quickly filling with steam, I just felt happy to have something.I was almost surprised when I felt her near me, I managed to suppress a jump as she ran her hands down my chest. I opened my eyes and my breath was nearly taken from me. She was fully nude, her steamy almost whisp-like form swirling with the steam from the.
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