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Through her daze, Teresa heard Ray telling her it was her turn. "My turn for what?" she wondered. She shrugged and asked."My turn for what?" To examine and taste my body, of course" teased Ray.Teresa gulped. While she didn't mind running her hands over his tummy and chest, would he expect her to touch him elsewhere? Worse, would he expect her to take off his bathers? A glance down at Ray's bathers answered that one. No she wouldn't have to remove them. They were already off and his cock was. I could feel my juice moving up thru my penis with each new pull on my balls and dick. This girl really knows her stuff. I knew that my being around 15 years older made all the difference. Sex was just better now and I was catching up very fast. With her thumb and forefinger she encircled my dick and began a steady stroking. She continued to suck gently as if she were getting the last of a milk shake up thru her straw. I looked down at this beauty and could see that she was enjoying. She was crying so hard tears flowed like a country stream down her face onto the sheets of the bed. She was breathing so hard and fast she was about to pass out from hyperventilating. Luke watched as she passed out. When she regained consciousness. Luke smiled an evil smile that almost stopped her heart. He ask her if she was ready to serve him as his slave. She had knots in her stomach from fear but glared at him and tried to say “Never” through the ball gag. This angered Luke. He raised up. When I open the door, there stands my girl Cricket. I let out a shrilling scream, wrapping my arms around her. “Holy fucking shit! You’re here!” I yell probably too loudly in her ear, as we hug tight. Her embrace is amazingly strong. It’s been a few months since we've seen each other. “How could I possibly miss your birthday? You silly girl. Sam called and we figured it all out. Happy birthday, Blondie,” Cricket tells me. Her voice is soft, and she kisses my cheek. “I love the both of you;.
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