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"That's pretty funny." Tracy was still behind me, playing with my balls and planting kisses on my back and shoulders while her boobs were barely touching my back. Linda's insistent hand pulled me right to her pussy, which I found to be totally drenched as I easily slid into her. No foreplay, apparently no need as she was as ready as I was. I tried all I could to hold off, but I knew I wasn't going to last long. I hadn't had sex in almost a month, and hiking and swimming naked with them all. I am fine love. How are you? Still telling fibs to your husband?” She laughed “you heard that” she said “yes he thinks I can’t live without it. He even wants to get a dog. I am panicking honey”. “Why don’t we get together and we can make a plan together” I said. Silence followed. “Are you still there? I asked. “Yes I am here. It is difficult because he likes to know what I am doing all the time” she said. “OK” I said “does he like shopping for clothes for you?” She laughed again “no he hates. He moved his finger around inside me and took it out. I wasn't expecting it when he suddenly pushed it back in started finger-fucking my ass until I was screaming and pretty much rolled of his knees onto the floor, panting. 'Oh God', I thought, 'Oh God'. He didn't let catch my breath and grabbed my head, pulling my hair forcefully towards his now fullly erect cock. I'd been anticipating sucking that big thing off but he, yet again, went the brutal way and pushed my head down all the way. I. I liked it better that way, because they left the light on, and I could see her better. I loved watching my moms body getting groped, her breasts fondled and sucked on, I could imagine the milk coming out as John sucked on them. I loved how he fucked her face, which looked like it was torture, but I loved seeing the spit run down between her tits and John fucking them. Watching my mom, I learned early, how to suck dick, and get anything I wanted from a man by being a good little whore. I dont.
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