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It was a start."I did it!" Ant yelled as he dismounted her. "I fuckin' did it! Yeah!" Still erect, he stood off the bed and looked to his friends for a high five. Blake, one hand on his own cock, quickly lifted his other to congratulate his friend. "How was it, dude?" So fuckin' hot, man. It was amazing. Get in there!" Ant slapped Blake's ass as he crossed behind him, heading for a chair at the far corner of the bedroom to collapse into."Who's next?" Jo asked, legs still spread eagle but her. At that point, I’d only had with one person, and that was mostly a pity fuck from a girl at a party a year earlier who thought it was sad that I a virgin at eighteen. We’d fucked in her car while guys at the party stood around laughing and banging on the windows and yelling words of encouragement. I’d foolishly asked her on a date afterward and she laughed at me.Even if I could persuade Bree, there was a lack of opportunity. We both lived at home with our families. It’s not like we could sneak. Only one of the four legs gave way, tilting our melded bodies off the flat surface to slide down to the floor at a diagonal toward my left knee. My instinctive lurch away from the fall yanked my still spurting cock out of Dawn’s ass, the final squirts only having enough power to rise a couple of millimeters into the air before splashing down around my own crotch. And the next thing I knew, we lay side-by-side on the floor laughing our guts out at the humor in our situation.“Shit, man...” a new. I felt a wave of depression surge over me at this thought, and suddenly the idea of ringing Claire came to me. I walked back out and looked at my phone, desperately wanting to call Claire, but also aware that this would make me look desperate and needy to her. I was literally being torn in two by the decision and my indecisiveness. In the end, however great the extreme pain I was in, I knew I couldn’t allow myself to look so weak and pathetic in the eyes and mind of the woman I loved. She was.
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