Trends Balloon Mature Teacher Toon mp4

Keeping my arms at my sides, I watched as both Kendall and my momcrouched down in front of me and began inspecting the speedo. They bothbegan tugging at the pouch fabric. They glanced at each other knowinglyand chuckled.Kendall: Spread your little legs more...ok...that's better. (She sharedanother look with my mom.)Mom: I agree. There is still too much loose fabric...too much room. Itdoesn't look right.My mom tugged at the bit of loose fabric on the front pouch and thenloudly sighed. They both. They responded instantly, and started trying to force their way on. The penetration seemed a lot easier than the first time, they popped inside in just a couple of seconds, and were soon a few inches deep. "Oh oh fuck!" she gasped as she began twitching from a mind blowing orgasm. The worms, forming a nipple to nipple bridge between us, began to push deeper into each of our boobs, bringing us closer together, until there was only about an inch of each worm showing. Still not close enough for me. .yes I was liking it now..My wild men abusing me over and over.. "Mmmmahhh" I moaned with a mouth full of king size snake, moaning to the assault in both my mouth and pussy. "That's right cock slut, take it, you know your loving it", one guy laughed as I gagged briefly "Mmmmhhmmmm", I moaned as my captors worked me over relentlessly for what seemed like hours..Feeling that cock throbbing and swelling in my mouth, he withdrew, blasting another massive load of semen all over my face. Unable to. And he rammed into me. Oh god I thought he was going to come right out of my mouth. His cock seemed so huge. He was pounding into me and gripping my hair. He started spanking my ass and making me feel like I was a bitch in heat getting what she deserved. At that point, I didnt care. I wanted him to take me. I had never been taken like these two were taking me, and after six months without sex this was what I wanted. I was shaken back to reality by the sudden feeling of a tongue on my clit..
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