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” She took his hand and led him to the most important classroom of his young life. Inside the bedroom she took his face in both hands and kissed him passionately. The boy did not know how to kiss or caress a breast. Gail had the work cut out for herself. The good news was that her student was very bright and a quick learner. Pulling him closer she could feel his erection on her leg. Gail no longer feigned arousal. She wanted his cock inside of her and soon. “Chris, I am going to change into. But Bob's going out of town on business this weekend and I had to drop him at the airport before I went to work."The news that Bob would be away didn't escape my devious mind for a moment. But I played it cool for the time being."Oh, OK. So? Spill!" OK! Are you ready for this? We went to dinner like I told you ... the three of us." I remember. It was like, twelve hours ago." I know, I know. So, I surprised myself that I was able to keep all my emotions and everything hidden, but I did." How was. I looked up to her and saw her beautiful face between her tits looking back down at me smiling as I continued to suck her cum out of her pussy. I was so hard I just wanted to fuck her pussy, but I knew I wouldn't be able to stick my dick in her right after she cam, it would be too sensitive. I stood up with my hard cock being restricted by my sweat pants. She sat up on the couch and pulled down my pants and wrapped my dick in her huge tits. I started to rock my hips to make my cock move. "What is that?" Asked Gillian.John glanced over the top of his newspaper and shrugged. At first the light looked like a very bright, twinkling star, of which there were plenty to see in the desert sky at night. However, the longer he watched, the brighter, and closer, it seemed to get. Before long he was pretty sure that it had moved from the backside of the mountain range forward to their side."I've never seen anything like that." John said. He folded the newspaper and set it aside and then.
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