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We did a detailed review of their information and told the two groups to order the office furniture for delivery no earlier than Wednesday of next week. We had Julie, Samantha, and Jane handle the ordering and delivery of the furniture. The 23 ladies that we would be making a presentation to next weekend would fill the key positions in each department, and then as soon as they were on-board, they could advertise for additional staff, review resumes, and hire a staff. We had immediate openings. "Is she lying, Jen?" Brad said."Nope, I was sitting right there when she did," I replied.I watched the color drain from Brad's face and began to giggle. He looked like he was about to fall over."What did Mom say?" Brad said."She told me it was okay, sort of," Kathy said."What do you mean by sort of? Either she said it was okay or she didn't, which is it?" Brad said."Mom said it was okay to have feelings and to act on them, Brad. She also said that sex wasn't dirty or something we should be. The suitcase she was wheeling had popped open in the milieu and some clothes and papers were spilling out onto the footpath. And it was in that moment, for one brief second that something caught his eye. It happened in a flash but what he saw was unmistakable and it etched itself deep into his brain immediately.The last thing Danny picked up was a pile of papers. He deftly adjusted and squared up the pile in his hands before placing them back into the suitcase. As he was doing this one. She had informed them that she was going to wear that outfit at work until someone broke down and did something about it.She took a very long time to position the cart. Her eyes flicked between John and Ed constantly. Ann looked up at Marguerite with raised eyebrows. She knew John was involved in a weird lifestyle, but she hadn’t realized it was this strange.Ed decided the whole situation was becoming surreal. “John, do you realize that we have a guest and we are both naked? Did you notice that.
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