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Around Louku came female laughter. Not a man apart from Louku was in sight. They all sat in a circle on top of cut logs, all around a large fire. Louku was denied the heat, causing his body to quake with cold. The women looked all quite strong,but still all beautiful. Their bodies were all hourglass shaped, their bodies sexy. Near them were tents. On these tents was a symbol. On every one there was a mark of a black rose, twisted horribly, but yet hypnotically.One woman stood up. Her hair was. Eat me. Make my pussy cum," Susan practically cried out. "I am your slut tonight. I will do anything with you but please, please make me cum again with your tongue and fingers."I worked Susan's wet pussy as she lay on her back on the bed and it wasn't long before the convulsions started again. "Cummming. Cummmming. Cummmming," she announced and then Susan shouted out" "Ahhhhh, Ahhhh, Ahhhh," multiple times. I've never seen such a transformation from what I thought was a quiet mousy secretary. ..I don't know...what now?" she stammered.Kyle's heart felt like it would explode from his chest. "Come here," he said tersely, voice nearly cracking. She hesitated and then obeyed, shuffling in her clunky heels over to stand in front of him behind his desk. He took her pale hands in his. They were cold and trembled. "It's okay, I won't hurt you," he told her. He could fuck her, he knew it. She'd allow it. But opportunity doesn't equate to the joy of desire. She would give herself to. What if she fell in love with Charley, or preferred him to me? Then I blurted all of that out to my love. I couldn't help it but as I told her my fears about losing her, tears welled up in my eyes.Carol started crying then and pulled me into her arms. We were lying on our bed nude and Carol pulled my face into her chest using her big soft tits as a pillow. We just lay there for a while cuddling and crooning soft noises at each other. Then Carol started,"Oh my silly lover, will you ever realize.
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