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I walked out into the garden and tom and jack were busy cleaning up the leaves from my lawn , 'hi lads how are you both today' i asked'hi mrs watson we are ok thanks' tom replied'do you think its ok to look through windows at nude old women ?' i asked'we didn't sorry we just glanced that way and saw you it wasn't on purpose honest' said jack'if that was true then that would be ok but its not is it after i noticed you i kept watching for you and you keptlooking while i dried myself off , whats. I'm calling them in."Seconds later, five snow covered figures came laughing through the door.Lena faced them. "Cassandragram." was all she had to say. The groupsobered up immediately.While they quickly shed their snow covered outer clothes, Lena was infull Radar mode. While she gathered more information from Cassandra, shestarted "looking" around the nearby streets and yards. Once they weredone, she turned a part of her attention to them."Another attack on your family is coming soon... I. "When the balls have disappeared inside the body,push the ball sacs after them, where the adhesive component of the spraycompound will ensure they are kept safely tucked out of the way." Theywere right; the compound was sticky and as soon as I'd pushed the sacsup inside my body, they stayed there. Finally, I had to pull theleggings up to my waist, and locate my minute cock into the tube in thefalse vagina through which I would piss. Again, the adhesive kept itnicely in place.The leggings had a. We frolic like children as we attempt to ‘touch the sky’ as we swing higher and higher on the swings, slide down on the slide on our rears and stomachs and spin ourselves dizzy on the circular wheel. Time fleets by quickly as we totally forget about the impending storm, at least until raindrops begin to pelt against our skins. I look to the sky and then look to her as if to say, ‘We better get going’ but between the determined look on her face and the way she said, ‘No, I’m having too much.
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