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Not nudes, just shots of her in clothes, so I figured the Cat could make her look great with very little effort. Some people are photogenic and some aren't and Kathy was more in the 'takes good photos' group.Kathy looked through the photos and asked the Cat about some of the photos and she answered her technical questions and told some stories about things that had happen on the various shoots. She told about how her poor boyfriend at the time had his study time reduced to nothing some nights. That stopped last October. I’m not saying her brother, my husband, and I are taking credit for ending the cycle, but we’re here now, and she is ours, and I want the best for her. We need to find out if she’s OK, that’s all.”“Good. Fine. Mrs. Rawlins, you’re not a patient here, correct? I don’t remember you.”“Correct. Let’s just say I go elsewhere for my healthcare.”“OK. End of conversation. You obviously have a family doctor that you trust. We’ll leave it at that.”They poked, prodded, and found. Get it over with. Oh no, sweet cheeks Im gonna take my time with you. He leaned over and he inhaled deeply, sniffing my pussy. Smells like my soap. He said looking me directly in my eyes. He laughed then stuck his tongue out, licking my labia then diving in between and licking my tight love hole Oh god&hellip, I moaned. He chuckled, You like this Rose? No ones done this to me before. Damn youve had some selfish boyfriends. They missed out. He kept licking and my juices just kept flowing. . Call me stupid, but my love for Violet is so strong! Strong enough for me to risk my life and possibly Violet’s just to see her again.I reply back:“Give me an hour. Where to?”Violet texts me back with an address to a motel in a rough side of town.I quickly finish getting ready, and tell my folks I’m going out. It’s about a 45 minute drive to get to the motel. I finally get there and I see Violet’s car in the lot. “I’m here” I text to her.Moments later she replies back:“RM 321”I get out of my.
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