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I wondered what Freud would of made of the partnership and not for the first time, as far as Anne was concerned he was young,virile and hung and available when she wanted him.As far as I was concerned he kept her happy and didn't act like an idiot he was nineteen going on forty, I had some interesting conversations with him over dinner of course he could be easily distracted by Anne especially when in a low cut dress, or in bra and panties for that matter he could be distracted by her smiling. A few days later I was informed that I was in pretty good shape, but I needed a bit more vertical exercise. I was healthy and had a healthy enough cardiovascular system, that an increase in sex would not kill me. And finally, with my healthy lifestyle, my sperm were healthy and ready to make it all happen.I asked about the little blue pill. The doctor asked if I ever had a problem getting or keeping and erection.“Yeah doc, two fantastic, beautiful women traipsing around the house in the nude. They lifted my feet, pulling my boots and socks off, then finally removing my pants in one quick pull. I was left sitting in my boxers, with my erection tenting inside and a wet stain on them from all the precum leaking out of me. Enti began reaching for the waistband of my boxer, but hesitated, a deep blush appearing on her skin. Amenthia took pity on her shyness and took over where she started, but she decided to tease her. She could have removed the boxers in one quick pull, revealing my. .. I dare you to go into the kitchen. Remove the rest of your clothes, stacking them on a chair, and then coming back in here, and stay that way for one whole round.”Robin gasped, but not really shocked, she’d played dare games before ... it was only that this was really rather early in the game for such things ... but ... it seemed the alcohol was loosening everyone up rather rapidly. She debated about protesting, but even if she won, she’d be w/o her shirt for the rest of the evening ....
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