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She stroked her husbands cock a few times then pulled Ron forward by the cock till he was directly behind Jenny. She then guided it to Jennys virgin pussy lips and rubbed it up and down the slit. She pulled him a bit more forward till his cock was firm against the entry to Jennys womanhood and then she let go of his cock. Ron looked at Jenny and felt very unsure. For a moment he lost site of Rose as she had walked behind him. In a moment he knew immediately where she was as he felt the hard. I think that it looks like an old porn movie bedroom. It has 1970’s décor and silky things are everywhere. There are dim lights and blackout blinds and a standard lamp in the corner. I half expect some cheesy music to start playing through the speakers.I look up at the ceiling as I lay on the silky bedsheets. They are cold to the touch but as Taylor's sweet pussy comes down onto my face there is nothing I can do now. I hear her phone ring as I start to gently lick her already moist cunt. Taylor. However, that was during the seventies and electronic musical instruments were beginning to appear with groups like Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer as well as Electric Light Orchestra and Kansas. The keyboards back during that time were as complicated to use as they were expensive. But I showed a real aptitude for it, as my father said, and he proceeded to purchase for me, the same instruments used by the afore mentioned groups. I learned how to use them in no time, and within less than two months. Her hands started brutal scratch on my back. I repeatedly said, ” I am cumming.” Probably after 20 repetitions, I did cum. I gave a few strokes even after cum.I was more tired this time. Both of us started sweating. She started kissing my chest and nipples. I was passive for a while. My dick got little flabby. I took a condom with semen out and cleaned a bit. She said, “I need similar fuck again, fuck me hard, baby.”I told her, sure but dick is not hard enough. Until then I started fingering.
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