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They should do something to curb these rogues, they thought, but their use of the United Nations and other means of diplomatic negotiation had brought them nothing. The peace that had been in place since about 2060 seemed about to break apart at the seams... THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020Jean Beaumont sat in her chair, reading the latest poll results. Her brown eyes scanned all the relevant data. She was behind her Democratic opponent, Janet Dering, the incumbent, by five points. Her. She stayed there. She gave herself to me in total trust, but agony at the same time. Sobbing the whole time. Once I believed I had totally destroyed her hymen, I started getting soft. I can't stand to see a woman cry. Especially if I am the cause of it. Context does not apply.I told her to sit up. Apparently I wasn't soft enough. She grabbed at her lower abdomen as I felt myself once again bump up against her cervix. "Get off, babe! Get off!", I said. She hopped right off and flew to my side. Looking around she noticed the full cup of tea in the place where my Charlie used to sit. She put her arms around me, hugging me close as she kissed the top of my head. “Oh mum, are you sure you’re ready to do this today?” I was ready, today was the perfect day. The sun was shining, the wind was warm and the poppies would be out. I asked Verity to go into my bedroom, there she would find a blue bag on the top of the wardrobe.I picked Charlie up and followed Verity to her car. It was only going. “NO FAIR… STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT…!!!”He leaned down planting his bearded face to her tummyblowing air into her navel making farting sounds. Shegrabbed him by the hair and pulled him out of hertummy.“STOP IT!”She looked at him down there trying as hard as shecould to look serious. He moved up her trembling bodykissing her titties as his face passed over them. “I love your laugh… you are soooooo wonderful!”He lowered himself and kissed her on.
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