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..It seemed like the perfect house.Two stories, three bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and just about everything youcould imagine. Plus, according to the saleswoman, the house had acomputer that ran everything for you, like having a butler, maid, and apersonal servant all in one.It was a little much for just me, but I had hopes that after years ofbeing friendzoned by woman, I would have better luck in this new city ...I had transferred to this city because of my job - I work as flyinginstructor, and. ”There was a long silence. Finally he said “You’ll leave if I tell you to ... right?”“Right,” I said. I didn’t like saying that, but I was locked in.“Okay.”“Be right up,” I said.I took the dress off on the way up the stairs. It was deep blue, and it really was pretty. It was backless and had a built in bra, so when I arrived at his door, all I was wearing were the lavender high rise panties I had gotten to go under it. My nipples were already stiff, but it might have been because I was scared. " As I said before, sucking ass is in the eye of the beholder. Darren and Coop are so strung out on that heroin you assholes are pushing off on them that they wouldn't know a good song if it reached out and took their syringes away from them." Nevertheless," Casting said, "I want you in that warehouse rehearsing those six tunes. We're going to record them." Oh we are, are we?" Jake asked."Yes," Casting said. "Since you're refusing to submit acceptable material to us for your next album, we're. Then Titania took JoeBob by the ear and pulled him up, and took him in the house telling his men that their boss was incapacitated for the day, and they could take the rest of the day off.Inside, Titania had stripped JoeBob and put him in a diaper, after giving him a bizarre, lemon scented enema. She took him into a nursery and put him in a large adult sized crib.A few hours later, Titania let JoeBob out of the crib, and he watched, dumbfounded as she’d stripped and lay on the bed, ordering him.
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