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"Go on, pull it out," he coaxed her.She noticed it twitch slightly beneath the fabric. All she had wanted to do was get changed and head for the bus, and now Chris' cock was inches from her face. But she knew the consequences should she refuse...Slowly, she reached her hand through the hole in his boxers and slid it around his cock. It was warm to the touch. She felt it twitch again in her hand as she slowly pulled it through the hole. Not even fully hard, it was as thick as her forearm. He was. "Oh," he replied, pushing his hat to the back of his head, "Looks 'eavy!" "It is!" I smiled, "Are you alone?" "I wasn't told about a trunk. I would 'ave brought someone if I 'ad been." He winced as he spoke. "I am sure we can manage it between us." I laughed, "I am not so weak." He looked at me, unsure. In truth, I was slightly built, just five feet and three inches tall. I had a small bust and boyish hips but what I lacked in stature, I made up for in willingness and determination. "Well, all. Myself and my crew of two other friends from Mars have left the supercity there in order to find our own way about the galaxy.Kaylee is an old friend, born on Mars to a couple engineers that helped build the spaceport there. She's about my height, lithe, blonde, and way smarter than I am when it comes to tech, hence why she's our engineer on the Salamander. She always jokes about how 'It runs in the family!' whenever she says something a little too up there for myself or Briggs to get but we. "I'll bet there are."I thought about Elise, and her business card, and how I could hear what happened through the phone, while Edward couldn't. "Yeah. I think you're right."Phoenix: Hospital - Sunday MorningFamily visited again the next morning. It was a quick visit - Antonio needed to get back to work the next day, so was preparing for the long drive back out to Los Angeles. Jordan had also 'liberated' my laptop from my house, so I was able to connect to the 'net for the first time in forever.
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