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The left side saddlebag produced the bike's title and registration and, surprisingly, a sheaf of paperwork from Eastside Harley Davidson in Bellevue, Washington. I had a 2011 Road King with an optional rear luggage rack. The invoice said it was Merlot Sunglo and Vivid Black, but it looked more like a rich brown and deep black color combination to me. Cooper James bought it off the showroom floor five days ago, and now I figured that made it mine.The right side saddlebag held 4 cans of Mountain. So I said lets pull into a cove and have some lunch. Then Bobbie got up and they started wispering things again to each other. I acted as I was not interested, but I well knew what they were chatting about. When I stood up and tied the boat to a tree limb my cock was sticking out and the girls were laughing historically. I said..... " ok , I got turned on...I know you know that" They said "YEA it's ok"Heather said we want to see it ! My teeth started aching and my heart was beating like mad. I. I made it clear we weren’t staying long, telling him we were bound for the big valley to the northeast, but that we’d be back in a day or two, passing through again, on our way back home. The old man just nodded his head in acknowledgement of what I told him, but he didn’t make any effort to be hospitable.I did inquire about the women we’d returned, asking how they were. A look of embarrassment crossed the old man’s face. He reported that the women were well, and that they were with their. Saffie and Amanda were still in their sexy new outfits, so by bedtime I was ready again and able to give Amanda the service she needed - needed because evidently watching me fuck our daughter’s friend had been a huge turn-on for her. Then in the morning, Thursday, she went off to work and Zoe-Ann reappeared.“They said I have to go home twice a week,” she announced, up in my office with an arm round Saffie, “so I don’t forget where I live, otherwise it’s one less mouth to feed.” It seemed a bit.
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