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Diane remained aroused, excited by any contact with Heather. The redhead's attention was everything to her right now, the rest of the world didn't even exist."Hold the rail," Heather commanded.Diane leaned forward, taking hold of the stone railing before her. Her breasts swung slightly in the open air, but only Heather was there to see.Heather reached about to the snaps on Diane's jeans. Undoing them, she then yanked the faded blue cloth over Diane's waist and down to her knees. Diane shuddered. The general meeting was followed by individual meetings to review the business implications of the local subsidiary structure and indicate specific steps for each unit and its manager to take.The big dinner was scheduled for that second evening. A whole contingent of people came down from Milwaukee including Bill and Janet Stevens, who, along with Kelly and Kevin O'Rourke, had been married in the meantime. Jane and Steve Muller completed the contingent along with Sandy and Cliff. She then removed my shirt completely. We were both completely naked. I told her that I had always fantasized seeing her completely naked and hugged her ever so tightly.She responded well by hugging me as hard as she could. She said that she was aware that when she swept & mopped the floor of my room, I would follow her there and try to see her boobs & legs and also when she washed clothes in my bathroom, I would purposely come in and see her knees, part legs & back.I told her that since we were. Anyhow, this recent experience was after a long night of mostly foreplay including squirting, footsex, vibe play, rimming(mutual) and even watersports. It got to be very late and we were getting tired. She had come several times but I hadn't. At that point it didn't bother me so much as I was ready to get to sleep. But she insisted I come. I asked her if she'd like to watch me jerk off and she said she did. I got an idea but didn't say anything just yet. She was sitting upright somewhat at the.
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