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"I'm okay, I guess. A little scared, maybe, but not in a bad way." That's good. Then you may not move. Not yet." Okay, Mister."He kissed her asshole briefly. Tenderly. The way a man first kisses the lips of a woman he knows he's falling in love with but doesn't know if she feels the same way. He touched her bare pussy at the same time. Her lips were thick and just beginning to grow damp.Ford smiled to himself and lay down across the bed on his side, his face just a few inches from hers. Her. Pamela contented herself with, "Nice," which was all Margot needed to know that it was new. Alan tapped the screen a couple of times and put it away, grumbling, "There has to be a default somewhere..."Ten minutes later, they were settling in the living room of the house Pamela and Margot shared, Alan on the couch and Pamela facing him across the coffee table. "I was pretty stupid," Pamela ventured."Well, I had a responsibility, too, and I ignored it because I figured you had it covered, and. She rolled back her neck and closed her eyes. It was an indication that she was about to cum.I took a brief pause, and her slut pussy sprayed out all her juices like a jet spray. She relaxed, and anyone could make out that she had no energy left in her body. I was nowhere near to having an orgasm. I sat on the sofa and made her sit on my lap.Her eyes were begging me to stop, but she was still horny and was filled with lust. She grabbed my cock and pushed it inside her pussy and started riding. I'm not huge in the length department, though my cock DOES thicken nicely. She worked it for a few moments with her mouth only, then pulled back about 1/2 way, and used her fingertips to stroke the base while working the cock head with her mouth. I feared for cumming too soon, as she's very adept at sucking cock. I stared down at her tits and my cock disappearing into her mouth. Getting very hot, and the shower water was only tepid.I grabbed her hair, lifted up, and said, "Let's go out to the.
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