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She couldn’t have stopped him; not that she would have protested anyway, but this was her choice; her decision. She held on to his manhood; her handcuffs dangling from one of her wrists as she made her decision. Her fingers reached for the bottom of the condom and began pulling back the rolled end. It was difficult. She was used to taking them off spent cocks not fully erect ones. As she pulled it off she felt a few droplets of his cum fall onto her breasts. Tossing it onto the bedside table. Once Sassy and I have reached complete arousal I will force her onto the bed on her back and you will guide me deep into her while she tells you what she is feeling as I penetrate her. I will expect a defiant look from her to you for only a moment until the two of us settle into a rhythm that is only interrupted when we change positions. Each time we move it will be your responsibility to reinsert me into her while I concentrate on just Sassy.During this time I may decide to return to more oral. Check this. They never gagged the submissive, but she never uttered a sound.When it was time to get real, Mistress Cynthia coiled the whip and walked back to a position opposite us. Everything was set up so we could watch. A Cat is a serious thing, even though this looked like a light one. Mistress Cynthia gave it the respect it deserved. When she used it, there were four strokes, one right after the other. Then she paused. Some of the Doms were commenting on her technique. The strokes were. Then I take the food and I start to eat and look at mom. Mom was looking at me and she was smiling. I ask what happen mom. She said nothing. Then I asked where is dad? She said he just go to another city for two days. I said really he is not at home ? She said yes. Then I said ok.Then I finish my food in rustling and went to the main door and shut the door and come to mom. Then I just take my mom in my laps and start kissing mom and mom also reply with her lips by my kissing. That time mom just.
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