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It's sixteen in this state. But when you're sixteen, you can have any of Jeff's Alphas for a mate – for a husband. You don't want anyone else. Trust me on that. You like Art, don't you?" Yeah, he's pretty nice, and so is Jeff and the others, but ... I'm not interested in any man. I told you that." Since you mentioned Jeff, how about him? You could be in that big bed with me – with all of us. Then there's Dave, or Bill, or Frank. And don't forget Fred just because he doesn't live here, but he's. " Brenda turned and slapped my arm. I grabbed her hand and held it at her wrist. "Joyce was telling me what you both had planned, Brenda, but it can't be tonight. We all need to get together and talk about some problems I'm worried about first. After, if everything gets settled, I'd like nothing better than to have the three of us in one bed, doing things together, like we did that other time."I could see that Brenda was disappointed. I hoped she understood that what any of us did would affect. Then the couple did a slow hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. And there, her eyes widening in surprise, beaming at me over her partner’s shoulder, was Cindy Mayhew, the woman who had served Sue-Ann and me when we were buying clothes for her at "Pour Elle". Almost immediately I was distracted. “Laura, darling, long time no kiss,” Chloe exclaimed, blocking my view of Cindy as she clasped me to her very ample bosom and all-but devoured my mouth with hers. “I hope you’ve been keeping well and cumming. A pair of black stiletto heels likely contributed to her height, but herlong toned legs, currently encased in dark nylons, would have made herplenty tall enough. A pencil skirt stretched to contain her shapelyhips, and a silky blouse, perhaps ordinarily conservative enough for aworkplace, was almost pornographic on this woman. That was because ofthe enormous breasts that it struggled to contain. They weren't quitemelons, but they were more than a handful. A black bra was visiblethrough the.
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