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I am going to cum. Keep shagging and licking my dick. Oh, fuck yes.She again got my dick fully into her mouth and was sucking like a straw. I started to cum like hell. One of the best orgasms of my life was at that moment. She started to collect every drop of my cum in her mouth. At the same time, she kept sucking my dick to suck out every last drop of cum.Megha then came up. She sat on my chest and opened her mouth to show my cum collected in her mouth. I had made a huge mess in her mouth. She. As I made my way over to her, I took in her incredibly curvy body. She was standing there in her gym clothes with her hair still damp with sweat from her workout. Her ass looked so good in her tight pink leggings atop her long athletic legs. She had a thin white top on, and as she turned back to me I could see the clear outline of her sports bra, which was working hard to contain her large breasts.As I reached her, I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close. She pressed her ass back. " Being there, listening to every word. I began to desire it more and more. He tilted my head to the the side and brushed away my hair using one finger. He began placing gentile kisses on my neck. Each one sending electricty through my veins. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest."So?" I wanted to say no so badly, but like Eve in the Garden of Eden, I was too tempted and bit the apple. I took in a breath and felt the word leave my lips."Yes, i will be yours. Forever and always." As. Various videos also kept popping up that I wasn’t initially prepared for. It wasn’t long though before I willingly began clicking on these videos and started enjoying what I was watching. I started getting hard. I began heavily petting myself and it wasn’t too long before I took off my panties and stroked myself silly.After watching and going through many videos, I found that I was drawn to crossdressers. I thought that what they were wearing was a real turn-on and I wanted to try it myself..
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