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"That's very... uh ... open of you for sure."The sound of the bed springs squeaking and headboard hitting the wall began to increase. Sean could be heard moaning louder and louder. Sean was cumming in Amy's pussy. Steve and Bill were smiling as they listened to their friend empty his balls into Steve's daughter. After a short time Sean was dressed and walked back into the front room. "What did I miss?" Sean asked. "Not much, the 49ers haven't started yet," Gary said. "Sounded like you and Amy. Soon I am attacked by three naked women. My brain screams that this is sooo wrong, but my cock screams for more.Katie gets on top of my body and started to kiss her way down my body, till she gets to my engorged cock. She slipped my cock head into her warm wet mouth and sucked on it a couple of times. She then kissed and licked my shaft up and down stopping at my sack. She tried to inhale my whole sack into her mouth, and then worked on one nut ball, than the other one.Kathy sits on my face and. Kim groaned as his kisses left a fiery trail up the insides of her tender thighs. Finally, after an agonizingly long time, Michael reached her smoldering cauldron and lightly brushed his goatee across her soft fur, tickling her and making her jerk in reaction. He could smell the musky scent of a woman in heat and he felt the raging furnace she had become. "Oh God Michael! Please don't tease me!" Kim whimpered.But Michael enjoyed the tease and he wanted to make sure his "slut de jour" was a hot. ” “I hear, ‘I love you.’ That’s what I hear.” “That just what you want to hear,” I protested. She held her glass in front of her, with only her eyes peeking above as she sipped, and shook her head very slowly again. “Okay, look,” I said, taking a deep breath. “You’re stunning, gorgeous, young, and attractive. I’m drawn to you. Few men wouldn’t be. But, I can’t love you, Shania.” “But you do.” Her voice was just above a whisper. “It would make no sense,” I said in my most reasonable, rational,.
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