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You push me back and unzip me. Reach in and pull my cock out from my boxers. I'm rock hard. You take me in a tight grip and swallow me. You suck and slurp on my cock like a ravenous a****l feeding on its first meal in ages. I hold your head as you as you feast away, desperate to taste my meat. You push me back and straddle me, your pussy poised to take me, with one move my cock is inside you. We both gasp hold the position as we look into each others eyes then move, up and down, slowly at first. No, my child will have a Mom, Dad, Grandmother and three aunts under the same roof. I consider myself lucky. As to the sex of the baby inside me, I have no idea. There have been sonograms but each time I told the nurse I didn't want to know the sex of my baby.I am feeling blue. I am HUGE. I waddle instead of walk. All I want to do is sleep and eat. And I am constantly needing to pee! How unsexy – how unromantic is that?Rose is now seventeen. She is gorgeous. I am so jealous. I am a whale and. Her skin was very light, and she had these cute freckles that made me think she could be Irish. It was her eyes though, those brilliant and sparkling green eyes, that caught my attention first. She was beautiful. I looked slightly too long as she made her entrance into my classroom five minutes late. Against my will, I shifted my eyes back to the room full of "young adults" wasting their parents' retirement so they could play on Pinterest for the next sixty minutes. "Open your books to Chapter. We've always just had our fun with the bitches and let them go on their merry way once we were done. Twice we had the whores make complaints against us trying to say we raped them, but when you have 15 or 16 guys saying she wanted it and some dumb slut claiming she didn't, guess who they'll believe.Especially when half the guys accused are sports stars and could really wreck the department. Each time the charges quietly went away and we cooled it until the next mark was found."We'll take her.
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