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She held the plate high, stepped over his lap to straddle his chair while facing him with her bare pussy close enough that he surely had to be smelling her lust, then sat on the table. She scooted back, spread her legs, and placed the plate on the table between her thighs. She leaned back, putting her hands flat on the table behind her to show him her snatch. She was dripping wet already and her pink labia stood parted, glistening and begging for attention. "Finish that and you can have. "Wake up and smell the coffee," she gently cooed. I couldn't imagine how she had gotten into that position without me waking straight off. She was straddling me and half lying atop me. It was a familiar posture from childhood, but any adult interpretation tended to involve complete lack of clothing. Of particular embarrassment for me was that she'd caught me at some stage of sleep where I had an absolutely throbbing erection, a condition complicated by being twisted up in my underwear. The warm. Your body has to be into it. My body was really into it. I felt the breeze going through my pussy on my leg-kick-and it wasn't stimulating, it just made me feel alive. The sun hitting my legs. The sweat gathering on my ass. The way I could feel the skin on my shoulders stretch out when I came out of my windup and threw. It was so liberating.And I had this catcher, see, and we were in tune. Just a little pitch and catch. He put the signal down, placed his mitt, and I hit it. Simple as that.. Bou bia ra bala aaunsi aaunsi ta bia rasa chati chati safa karili. Mu bhi aau nija ku control kari paru nathili bou biare mo banda purei deli aau ta upare soi antha halei halei bou ku gehili. Bou ra dudha mo chatire ghasi heu thila aau mu bou ra patire pati purei chati chati ta bia gehu thili aau bou bhi ta hatare mo gandi tani tani ta bia gehibare shajya karu thila.Mo khusi kahile na sare jemiti mate swarga mili jaichi Mo banda boura biare puru thila aau baharu thila pakha pakhi 15-20 thara.
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