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I kissed Lou and pushed my tits into his skinny chest."Next time, Lou, I promise. We had so much fun. Next time you are at the front of the line. You can have my pussy or my ass, and I'll blow you or anything you want.."I wasn't so sure I should have promised him my ass before seeing what he was about to put in it, but that's the way I was when I was sixteen.There used to be a huge, super cheap women's discount store near the bookstore. Judy called it '' The Mayan Maceys'' because so many women. .. The biggest reason I got a cage for you is that I fear you will cheat on me. I know the fear is not rational, but I still have this fear, until now." I have never cheated on you, and I never will. But if this toy eases your anxiety, I don't have a problem playing the game. Besides, the sex has been fantastic.", I reply."Glad you enjoy it. I also enjoy torturing you."She grabs my cage and pulls it upward putting pressure on my balls. "Now I am sure you understand this is mine. Your penis. After a time, I offhandedly asked the girls how they had decided who would be joining me this morning. Jess, perennial chatterbox, chimed in first, "We've trying out a new a system, Daddy! All us girls put our names in a hat one time, and every morning we'll draw a few to see who gets to wake you up that day. When the names run out we put everyone's name back in and we start again! We haven't run out yet though, and it's going to take a long time to go through everybody. We're still taking it. I'd been shocked in the file room. Now I was astounded. Ava removed her jacket and hung it on the coat tree by the door.She had light brown skin with a faint tan line outlining her pale breasts. I didn't move a muscle. Her tits jiggled slightly as she walked toward me. Her tits were wonderful. About grapefruit size with a scattering of freckles. I could barely see the shadow of her areolas beneath the black lacy bra she wore. Her nipples stood erect, poking through her bra.She stopped in the.
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