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Was she really a Lady? I wondered, but no, how foolish – this was a secret society – these names were chosen by the individuals. Still, to all extents and purposes she might as well have been.She strode across the room without a moment’s hesitation. Kicked the turntable until my ass was in front of her and then slowly, but firmly, pulled out my tail. They say you don’t miss things until they’re gone – this is very true of butt-plugs. I’d felt bare before, but now I felt utterly wide open.I know. “Fine,” Helen huffed out and the screen flicked on and swung around to show the street.Looking for landmarks as quickly as possible, he pulled up the station map and tried to locate his friends. They were indeed on the main street but had moved off a minute after starting the call with Ethan. Looking down the map, he looked for a place they could meet without drawing attention to their pursuers and hopefully have a way to disappear. A large arcade caught his eye and he smiled. The flashing. She starts to work faster on his cock, working her tongue on the underside of his shaft.“Ahhh…” Kenny felt her gag on his cock. He holds her face with both of his hands and starts to work his cock in and out of her mouth gently. This went on for several minutes, and then when he felt like Cuming on her mouth, Bill blasts in thru the door.“Hey Pink… Oo boy… can I join?” Bill asked, feeling his penis already stiffening up.“Ahhmm… can my friend have a go after me?” Kenny asked Ravon.“Ok” she. Jahn felt stripped to the bone, as if Sir were rejecting him, dismissing him. No, please, Sir! He thought to himself.Sir held the leash's clip close to Jahn's eyes and shook it...then immediately fastened it to the hard black cockring circling Jahn's cockhead and tugged it hard and fast. Jahn gasped at the stretching as Sir reached around and twisted Jahn's balls. Jahn bit his lower lip, trying not to cum. He almost came again when Sir stood and pulled the leash The ring just below his.
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