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I'm sure she finds you attractive too." Oh, yes, Alice is very pretty. I do find her very attractive." After dinner," Vickie spoke up, "we can come back in here and dance abit. Alice should learn how to dance as a woman. It might take a littlegetting used to for her. Would you teach her Jimmy?" I'd love to!!"I blushed again at his obvious enthusiasm.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++After dinner we returned to the den and and Vickie put a CD on that hadorchestrations we could dance to."These. Weird."Okay, sweetie. But you know what? Knowing what you were doing with Julie got me so hot I couldn't stop cumming." Mom!" Oh, all right. So are you hungry?" Starved." Yeah, sex will cause that." MOM!" Well, it burns a lot of calories. Why do you think I'm thin?" Mom, please!" Okay, okay. What do you want for breakfast?"Life was almost back to normal at the Presleys -- almost! They were a family again, chatting during dinner and spending time together. But Bobby's father couldn't stop. And she would often get me horny and tell me to beg her to go fuck a bbc if I wanted her to get me off.So anyway, I text back and asked if she was just joking. She says NO! I'm serious, I asked a bbc to fuck me and he said yes. Dawn said he is following her home, going to park his car up the rode and he is riding to our house with her so the neighbor doesn't notice someone else there.I'm still not sure she is for real but say OK and for her to text me and let me know what's happening. She gets. .. off.Jeri had been sitting in her office going over inventories and checking order forms. There was something else on her mind other than work though. She had been looking at a magazine when I contacted her. Through her, I saw images of pregnant women and infants in various outfits. The magazine was for maternity and baby clothes. Then idea struck me, and I looked at Jeri.With a soft smile, I pulled her to me and hugged her. "How long have you known?" I only found out last week. I was going.
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