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Can't you just do it tomorrow?" I still didn't look at her. My eyes were fixated on the letters appearing on my screen with each keystroke.Brittany slammed her hand down on my desk. The force was great enough to make my mouse jump, and the top two sheets of paper blew off the pile, drifting down to the grey nylon carpet below. "For fuck's sake, Jordan! What could you possibly have planned on a Tuesday?" I sensed the sweet smell of spearmint gum escaping her mouth, and glanced over at her hand. “Damn, it’s good to see you, sister,” Judith said hugging the newcomer. “But you have a lot of explaining to do. You were training him?”“Someone had to. You and The Hart were bollixing things up royally.”“That means you taught him ... You bitch! With my boyfriend!”“Uh ... Swordmaster,” Rebecca whispered. “Maybe we should hear the story first. Not that I’m one to speak...”“Sister, it was for the circle. I’m going to assume this was, too.”“It was, love,” said Lissa. “You can’t imagine how hard. ’ Jason said nothing. He had thought about it, long before he was reacquainted with Penelope. Now the thought of bedding another woman no longer seemed appealing. And the thought of her in Dunsforth’s arms only made him angry. ‘You don’t love him, Penelope.’ She turned her head slowly to him, her eyes wet with unshed tears. ‘Because he’s a commoner in trade?’ ‘Because he’s not your equal in passion.’ ‘I find his passion to my liking.’ He clenched and unclenched his hand, willing his jealousy. I feel like a sex toy that he has been using for far too long and the time for games is over.He moves behind me and waits a few agonising seconds before touching me. He pulls my panties down slowly over my bum and I lift my knees as he pulls them off me. I feel him blow gently onto my pussy lips, making me shiver and let out a sigh. I close my eyes for a moment but they open very wide when he spanks me on each bare butt cheek. I swear I can feel a drip leave my pussy lips and trickle down my.
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