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His hands were all over my back unclasping my bra. I dropped to my knees and had to search under his huge gut for his cock, although it was huge, at least 9” long and thick. I had never seen a cock so big. I began to lick it like a lollipop, something I had seen in a movie once. He already had precum leaking from the massive head of his cock. I wasn’t sure it would even fit in my mouth.“Ever fucked a white girl before?” I asked in between licks? “I have, but none as sexy as you” he moaned out.I. Earlier rishi was hesitant to suck but Rahul forcefully inserted his cock inside his mouth, later rishi’s loves sucking it. Then they take bath and came out, yuvi was still in phone. Then they called yuvi and drink alcohol. While leaving rishi’s said to yuvi that he is very drunk and told he will sleep in his brother’s room and he didn’t want to go. Rahul was smiling, thinking of fucking this bitch whole night. Yuvi said he want to go and asked rishi to stay and he went alone. Rahul and rishi. Then Hannah blindsided me and kissed the other cheek before I knew she was there “Welcome Home Uncle Jack”(Milly)“What’s with all the welcomes? I saw you guys yesterday” I asked.“Yesterday you didn’t live here. Today you do. Come let’s eat, it’s on the table” Said Laura.After a great mac n cheese, we stayed at the table and chatted, drank wine and laughed at silly stories. One was about a time when Caitlin’s bikini bottoms came off in the pool.“That reminds me. Girls…there is a man in the house. "Mrs Clause is that you? I cheekily ask. "No it can't be, I've not been a good boy!" I turn around and to my surprise it's not Naomi! Well, not the one I was expecting. Standing in front of me is the picture of sexiness. Short short jean hot pants, legs that seem to go on forever and a skimpy tight top! Her nipples have nowhere to hide. "Happy birthday, Hun," I greet her, as I move in for a cheek kiss. "Where's Simone?" she interrupts my kiss, "oh my god! You look stunning babe." "Me?" Simone.
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