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Pulling back on my cock he applied a vibrator to me on what appeared to be a high buzz. Within seconds it seems I shot my load. The session ended. About a month later I made another appointment to visit. This was to be quite different and much longer. I arrived at 11.00am and left at 14.30. I had given permission for another to be present and photos to be taken if required. Well the session started in a similar way with me and him. He had a whipping post installed and decided that I would be. I pull my cock from her throat, and I replace it with one of my fists. I have no doubt that she can take even more.“That’s it, Josh! Do whatever you want, and treat me like a common whore that you found on the street!”I’m not holding back. Aunt Jane swallows the full length of my cock, and I continue to fuck her face. I grab her by the hair, and I lift her body from the floor. I spin her around, and I pin her body to the washing machine. One of my hands closes around her throat, and I snap her. Then he started telling a story. It was not, however, the kind of story you expected to hear around a bonfire at a boys camp. Certainly not from a camp counselor!His story involved the rape and humiliation of two virginal teenage white girls from the suburbs that had been tricked into getting off at the wrong bus stop in the city. It was a long story and he supplied a lot of gory details. As I listened to that disturbing tale and the relish with which he told it I began to strongly suspect that. My penis was smaller than his and that felt great for me. He moved his finger around a bit and then started stroking my cock.I moved down to suck his cock again while he played with mine. As I sucked his cock he gave me his fingers to lick them and then pushed them gently into my anus. He was massaging me for a moment and then he fingered me harder and faster. I thought I will explode in an orgasm and wished to have his cum all over my face. But that didn't happen yet.He pushed in two fingers.
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