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"Wash you? What? You got two hands!" I snapped.She narrowed her eyes at me. "Have you forgotten that I can ruin you?"I sighed. "Fine! Let me wash you up."She smiled and handed me a washcloth. I lathered it up with soap and began to run it all over her body. My hands trembled as I got to her breasts. Her eyes filled with lust, were on me the entire time. I kept moving down to her stomach and her legs. I knelt down looking up at her."There I washed you up. Now please can I shower alone?"She. -1.Endgame: In Will of Change the winner gets a wish at the end of the game however what they get to wish for chnages depending on how many loops they have compleated at the time the game ends for that reason a player may decides to continue playing in hopes of "winning big"loop effects:0 loops: No winner every player reseves a penalty1 loops: Single change of choice to self2 loops: Multiple (number of players) changes of choice to self OR Single one other player3 loops: Any changes to self OR. My desire overcame my fears and I reached over and touched his penis through his shorts. I own cock sprang to attention and I knew I had to experience more. I pulled his waist band down just enough to expose his cock and and my heart thumped at the sight of his head and shaft. His cock was beautiful, thicker at the base and smaller and pointed at the head. As if by instinct, I leaned over and licked the underside of his head. He tasted different than I would have expected but nice. My first. A{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} BottomChatChapter 2This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.NICOLE: Hey Josh! How was Amanda last Saturday?JOSH: Wow! Just wow! She’s amazing in bed!NICOLE: She was impressed by you, too, stud! She never had a guy eat her, fuck her, eat her again, fuck her again, then eat her a third time! I wish I could find a guy who is willing to eat me after he fucks.
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