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My wife could for sure feel his cock getting bigger as he pressed it against her. I guessed she tried to resist; but she was curious…Protesting again, Ana put her hands on the counter to try to push away. When she did, instead of escaping she merely pressed her firm ass harder against his engorged dick. I watched her arching her back as she felt the full length of him against her.Mike leaned forward against my wife, causing her to exhale loudly. He pushed her over the counter as he unzipped his. No relationship. I take her out, fuck her, let other guys fuck her, then we both go to our respective homes sine die. Capish?’ I look down the bar again and Lee’s still got her drink in one hand. But now some guy’s cock is in her mouth. She stops, looks at me, smiles, takes a swallow of her drink and returns to his cock. ‘OMG,’ says Van, ‘That’s disgusting.’ Why don’t you date someone else?’ ‘Like who?’ I ask. ‘You got any friends? I get plenty of first dates. Platonic, mostly. But never a. "Today I want you to give away pussy to any young punk you haven't fucked before. Give them a free sample of the goods." He said staring at me. "Anyone you've fucked before they gotta pay."He put the truck in drive and let me off at school. That was weird.My day started off just like all the other days with me fighting off the guys and having to rush between classes to keep from being pulled into an empty class room or closet. I managed to make it to lunch without have a major crisis. Then the. Standing up I put the head of my cock to her arse hole. “Please, master, no. I’ve never…” “You will let me fuck you up the arse, and you’ll like it.” “Oh yes master, fuck my tight virgin arse.” My cock was very well lubricated from fucking her a few minutes before so I pushed forward trying to push my cock into her arse. “Don’t tighten your muscles.” “Yes master.” Jess’s arse loosened up a bit and the head of my cock slid inside her arse. “Oh that feels good Jess.” Jess was quivering beneath me.
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