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“I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her – to know who she is, anyway,” I told them.“You’ll remember her when you meet her. She has dark black hair and she’s a little taller than Becky. She’s got some titties that will make your mouth water, with an ass that will make you want some of it too,” Erica told me.“Josey, if she wants to go out in the country like the Kendall sisters did, can we see if she’ll let you have some pussy?” Becky asked and I looked over to see both of them smiling.“What about. No one knew what had happened to my predecessors, but I feared it involved a lot of pain. All I could do was play along. Either I would satisfy the boss so thoroughly he chose to let me go or I would die in the most pain-free manner possible. It was a grim through, but it was the only one that filled me with a meager sense of hope. My hand trembled as I reached for the collar. The bosss gaze remained fixed on me. His face was impassive and his hand remained perfectly still. He had done this. Can I get you a bottle of water?" He asked.I accepted and took a seat in one of the awkwardly uncomfortable chairs. He soon returned with the water as I blankly stared at the nearby television that was on a loop of information about auto loans, mortgage rates, and estate planning."Good morning, sir!" a voice said, interrupting my mindless gaze. I looked up to see a young brunette woman smiling down at me. "So I understand you need notary services today?" I nodded affirmatively as I stood up.. Dinner in Roanoke was wonderful, and they all ate their fill. Her parents were enjoying their early retirement, and talked about the many road trips and two cruises they had gone on since last Christmas. Thankfully, it was decades past the time the family would have sat through the mandatory slide show their parents had doubtless endured as c***dren.On the way back, Jenny insisted on riding with her parents, and Kelly found herself alone in the BMW with Dan, which she pretended mildly upset.
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